Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Viva La Viva!

I am pleased and excited to share that my manuscript is being sent to the press at the end of July and that my first book of prose, poetry and shorts will be hot off the press in late August/early September 2014. I would also like to convey my sincere thanks to those of you who have believed, inspired and continue to be supportive on many different levels. Today, as I continue to try and make sense of this life through my writings and the act of creation, I have found that one thing is certain. To write the past is to hold a memory. To write the present is to stand witness. To write the future is to cast a spell. I hope all of you will find something that speaks to you in all selections of my past, present and future love offerings. 

You may find more of my "dreamings" where I use visuals, sound and writings that continue to be aides and tonics as I weave my way through the labyrinths of living at the links below.

"There is a skeleton (or death) that flees in the face of my will to live." - Frida Kahlo


"Take another leap in the dark
With a humble heart
Do yourself some good
What did you become?
Be sure

These days it's all in the mind

--Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void--